Retail Contact Free Process.

As more retail stores are expected to design and implement an accelerated digital transformation solution, some retailers were already prepared to scale and implement a unique contact-free process before the pandemic. Not only does this enhanced shopping solution considers efficient check out experiences but it also addresses customer’s safety concerns (29% would stop shopping if the brand was not implementing health and safety measures ~ Ipsos’ Consumer Health and Safety Index), supply chains need for accurate inventory to meet the purchase demand (inventory accuracy levels are average 65%) and retail store operations inventory performance and security requirements as well.

During these odd times, customers are relying on brands to evolve and design solutions to address their online purchase and in-store pickup or shopping experience. There is nothing more frustrating to a customer to purchase an item online only to be updated shortly after that the item is no longer available. Further, from a retail perspective, a robust view of accurate inventory volume, performance and loss prevention will be the standard. The next logical step is to better understand details at an SKU level across your enterprise...meaning from production to warehouse and stores. But also store backroom, change room...basically every point of exit (PoE).

This process includes a Point of Sale (POS) Contact Free that I’ve experienced first hand. But I’ve also included the “next logical step “emerging opportunities to enhance this workflow further...